Level up your work experience with
Virtual Apprenticeship

Experience a digital-first, real-life work opportunity with our partner companies. Hone essential skills and boost your resume with VirApp!

Join Virtual Apprenticeship!

Trusted by over 20+ partner companies

What is the Virtual Apprenticeship Program?

KadaKareer’s Virtual Apprenticeship (VirApp) is a digital-first, real-life work experience for students and fresh graduates. The program allows students to work on key challenges from partner companies, providing them with a hands-on opportunity to gain industry knowledge, develop soft and hard skills, and enhance their resume and portfolios.

How does it work?

Find a Challenge that best fits your skills and interests

No need for lengthy essays or prerequisites—just sign-up for a specific challenge with one of our partner companies and you’re in!

Complete the program in 5 weeks, at your own pace

Either in a group or as an individual, complete your chosen challenge. Receive support from our coaches and get access to our learning materials.

Strengthen your resume by having a case study

Get a certificate and a case study for your portfolio. Those with stellar outputs may even have a chance of getting a position with our partner companies!